Frequently Asked Questions
Adding a 4 legged friend to the family!
Questions for prospective owners
Things to think about- Do you own/rent your home or live in apartment? Kids? Ages? (Young kids may pull ears or tail and cause the dog to bite) How long are the people away from home? (Will the pet be alone all day and bored?) Do you travel much? Will the pet have space to run, play, and exercise? Fence condition? Where would dog sleep? Will he/she be an inside dog?
OTHER PETS Neutered? Up to date with vet on shots, heartworm and flea medicine? Are they good with/around other pets? Breed? Approximate age?
Last pet(s) are you ready to add new 4 legged family member?- Are you a first time pet owner or have had previous pets. Age, why did they die? Have you ever rehomed or given a pet away? Why?
Our prices range from $800-$2500 ALL our babies are sold under PET ONLY/LIMITED REGISTRATION with Spay/Neuter contract.
Poodles (toy/mini/moyen/standard) 800-2500
Golden Retriever American 1000-1500 English Cream 2000-2500
Doodles 1000-2500
Puppy Purchase
The process is fairly simple. Contact->Meet puppy->Take puppy home
The most direct way to get in contact is though text or call. Once we have talked we can arrange a day for you to come meet the puppy in person or through video chat. (You are welcome to come meet puppies with no commitment, if you fall in love with one you can leave a deposit to place the puppy on hold) Pick up varies on puppies age. Puppies are ready to go home at 8 weeks. If puppy is ready you are able to take puppy home that same day!
Deposits are non-refundable. The deposit places that specific puppy on hold for you. In the instance you are unable to take the puppy your deposit will become credit towards any other puppy in the future. Deposit amount counts towards puppy’s full amount
What Comes With Puppy
All our puppies are sold as pet only with spay/neuter contact. They come with their first round of shots, deworming, microchip, vet records, and 2 health guarantees; 1 year which covers any genetic issue and a 48 hour health guarantee from pick up day to ensure the puppy you have taken home is healthy. Puppies start potty training and kennel training, they are on hard food by the time they go home.
Depending on the specific litter some may come with their CKC or AKC registration and litter pedigree.
Limited & Full registration
Limited and full simply mean the right to breed your puppy in the future. Limited; Limits you from registering the produced litter. Full; Gives you the right to register any future litter produced by such dog. “Limited Registration helps breeders protect their breeding programs. If breeders do not want puppies used for breeding purposes, they can request the option for those puppies.”(AKC.COM)
Little Pupz pride our self with the amount of work, effort, time, and money investment in producing healthy and beautiful puppies. We have come across many people who have purchase a puppy with the wrong intentions. Since then we want to make sure all our babies go to forever loving homes and only sell under limited with spay/neuter contract.
Yes. However, we only give it to qualified individuals. Contact directly for more information on this topic.
YES WE SHIP! We have 2 options when it come to puppy transport.
-OPTION 1- We personally deliver our puppies to you. Prices varies depending on your distance.
-OPTION 2- We leave it up to you to choose/ find your own puppy transport/travel nanny. We are more than happy to cooperate with you to get the baby safely home.
Pet Purchase: Little Pupz is a Dobeman Pinscher, Doodles, Poodle, and Retriever dog breeder. The intention of this contract is to assure that the dogs produced from this kennel will receive appropriate care. Buyer understands that all puppies are sold with NO BREEDING RIGHTS and therefore are to get SPAYED/NEUTERED.
Initlal Health Clause: Buyer has 72 hours to have their dog examined by a licensed veterinarian. Buyer must email or message via text Little Pupz a copy of the examination within 48 hours of the vet visit. Little Pupz guarantees your puppy to be free from infectious díseases for 48 hours after the puppy leaves our care. When your puppy leaves our care, he/she will be clean and in good health with proper documentation from our vet. Subjecting the puppy to other animals and unsanitary environments, dog park, front yards etc, before their immune system can fully develop (we recommend after their second round of shots), can result in a contagious virus.
Failure to take puppy to be examined will result in the guarantee to be canceled and void
It is imperative that you understand this. We required this because we made it our mission to raise healthy puppies and your puppy has been cleared by our vet before you took him/her home. The vet visit is to assure that your puppy left our care healthy. Letting them outside in an unfamiliar environment, around new bacteria and other animals can make them a target for anything. If the puppy is found to have life-threatening illnesses, the vet report must include the diagnosis that is life-threatening along with the puppy’s microchip number. The puppy must be returned to the seller within 10 days of the first diagnosis. Buyer is responsible for all veterinary costs. Little Pupz will replace the puppy with another puppy of the same value within one year of the puppy’s date of return. The time period will allow for the liter to take place and accommodate and arrange the equal replacement puppy. The buyer is responsible for all costs of shipping the affected puppy. The affected puppy must be in good condition except for the specific health issue. NO replacement will be given if the puppy dies and no necropsy was performed to determine the cause of death. No replacement will be given if the necropsy does not list the cause of death as one of the listed congenital defects. No replacement puppy will be given if the infected puppy is uthenice without Little Pupz permission. If the buyer chooses to keep the puppy, no replacement will be given.
PUPPY RETURN: If at any time the Buyer is unable to keep or care for the puppy/dog, they are able to return puppy/dog to Little Pupz. No refund, veterinary or other costs of keeping the puppy/dog, or any other costs incurred by the Buyer resulting from his/her ownership of the puppy/dog, will be paid by Little Pupz to the original Buyer of the puppy/dog under any circumstances.
HEALTH GUARANTEE: This puppy has a one-year health guarantee against fatal and life-threatening conditions: severe hip dysplasia, heart, kidneys and pancreas or spinal condition due to birth abnormality. Animal must show the defect by one year of age. If the condition is not life-threatening, it is not covered. If a life-threatening condition is due to non-proper care, the guarantee will be cancelled.
Little Pupz will provide the buyer with a puppy that is clean; in good general health and has no
known physical defects. Deworming and first immunizations shot will have been completed and detailed in writing along with the vet’s finding during the litter’s wellness check. It’s generally recognized that the intestinal parasite (worms) are common in puppies and are part of the puppies early development but we will make every effort to prevent them. Often, however, the stress of change and travel can cause intestinal parasites to emerge. Buyer agrees to continue parasites testing and treatment (if necessary) with their veterinarian. Coccidiosis, Giardia, and Kennel Cough are also not covered in this contract as they are common in puppies.
We do not guarantee temperament. Our dogs demonstrate a great stable temperament. We
have taken great pride in providing a secure loving environment for our puppy’s from birth and providing proper daily socializing. After delivery, the responsibility is on the Buyer to provide a good environment with proper socialization. It is the Buyer’s responsibility to keep the puppy free from harm and bad interactions with other people, dogs and animals.
Buyers are encouraged to provide the puppy with routine preventative care including but not limited to: annual veterinary exams, vaccines, heartworm and flea prevention, and to give the puppy/dog the proper physical, emotional care and welfare.
Any physical problem that could be caused by any accident, injury neglect, overheating and poor diet is not covered. Little Pupz will NOT replace a puppy due to heat stroke, abuse/neglect, or improper socialization. It is understood that Little Pupz’s is not responsible for any vet medical expenses that take place after the puppy leaves Little Pupz’s care. It is also understood that this contract is non-transferable and applies to the original Buyer only.
We cannot guarantee size, color or disposition as they are live animals. There are no other warranties either expressed or implied to said puppy except noted in this agreement. ANY changes to this contract must be in writing and signed by both parties.
This contract is legal and will be enforced by legal means at the Buyer’s expense and all disputes must be settled in the state of Texas. This is the entire agreement between both parties and is valid and agreed to by both parties. All parties have read, understood and agreed that this contract is in full.
Love one of our boys? We are more than happy to provide stud service to approved females.
*To be an approved female*
– Must have some form of genetic and health clearance.
– Bitch must be of mature age. We believe female must be mature to support healthy babies. we will refuse any female under 1 year.
– Bitch must be a 1st time breeders. otherwise have a Brucellosis test unless doing AI.
Fee varies depending on what is being produced and which stud is being used. We are also open to stud swap and are able to do pick of the litter agreements. Please contact for more details and information.